Friday, March 1, 2013

Spring Mantle!

I'm trying to get back into the swing of things with some fun decorating for spring! I'm easing back into blogging after becoming pregnant. The first half of my pregnancy was difficult as I wasn't feeling so great and honestly my focus was elsewhere. But I have done several projects, mainly for my daughter's new big girl room, that I'd like to update you on. I thought I would start out simple with a fun little spring mantle makeover! So without further ado...

What do you think? I actually used things I already had around the house. And a few things I had ordered last spring on sale, like the eggs in the apothecary jar from Pottery Barn. I found the bird's nest, tray, and green mossy balls at Outrageous Interiors not too long ago. I picked up the finial at an antique store for around $10, I believe. The giant "L" and clock came from Hobby Lobby. The pitcher and flowers were from a previous mantle arrangement I did here. I've had the apothecary jar and large mirror for a while and they are from Z Gallerie. The stand, glass dome, and circle mirrors are from Willow House. Here are some more views for you:

Hope you enjoyed my short, but sweet post. I had fun arranging and rearranging everything to come up with this busy bit of spring goodness! What's your favorite and least favorite thing about it? My husband despises the tray behind the clock, but I find it charming.