Monday, August 20, 2012


I've been into making rosettes lately. They are fun, easy, and super cute! It all started when I made my daughter's flower girl headband for my sister's wedding. It turned out just as I had hoped it would! Here it is along with one precious flower girl:-)

So for my next rosette project I decided to make some to dress up my plain lamp shade in the living room. I used silky ribbon to make the headband and fabric for this project. Here is the link to the tutorial I used to make the headband: And I used the same strategy for the lamp shade rosettes. I'll give you my version as well.

I started out by cutting three strips of fabric about 2" wide (does not have to be exact) and a little over a foot long.

Next, I folded them in half and hot glued them together.

After that, I tied a knot at the end of each one.

Then I began wrapping the fabric around the knot, twisting as I went. Also hot gluing sections here and there {more on that in a minute}.

Sorry for the dark photo. Here I'm showing a section I'm about to glue down. I put the hot glue behind the front of the rose and press the new piece down. This technique ensures no messy hot glue will be showing. But be careful not to burn your fingers!

And there you have it! A cutesy little rose! Oh yeah, and just glue the end piece to the back of the rose so it doesn't stick out.

I made two more and glued them all together. I also had some pearls leftover from the headband so I stuck those in the middle of each one. I liked the look, but did not like how they sat on top. I would have preferred to nestle them down into a fold, but then they wouldn't have been centered {more on how I solved this problem later}.

I hot glued them onto the lamp. I wasn't sure how I wanted to attach them...I wanted something temporary in case I wanted to take them off someday. But I also wanted them to stick on there well so I went with hot glue in hopes that if I ever take them off I can peel it away and no one will ever know (except you, of course!).

Not sure if you noticed, but the top rosette is made from the same pattern as my curtain panels! I wanted to tie them in together, but didn't want to use it for all 3 because I didn't want it to be too matchy matchy. What do you think? I love how this project only took me about an hour and gave my shade an upgrade!

{Pearl Update}

If you look closely, you may be able to notice a difference in the pearls from this shot compared to the close-up above. It's not that noticeable, but I like these new pearls better. They are actually stickers. What I like about them is they are flat on the back (essentially cut in half). So I took the old ones off and glued these new ones on with tacky glue. They are so small I didn't want to burn my fingers with hot glue.

Here they are...Martha Stewart stickers. I bought them from Michael's for $4.99. So they weren't cheap, but remember you can always use your 40% coupon.

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