Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fall Wreaths!

I want to share some fall wreaths I made recently. Because well, it's fall y'all! Sorry. I couldn't resist. I'm in a local moms club and I recently organized a craft night! We had a lot of fun. But I wanted to make sure I had an idea of what the cost would be, how much time it would take to make it, and how it would be put together. So I headed out to Hob Blob (Hobby Lobby) - my favorite store ever. I was picturing something simple, but cute so we could put it together easily, while socializing, in a reasonable amount of time. At first I thought a yarn wreath with rosettes would do the trick. But after thinking about it some more and wondering how much yarn we would use and how long it would take I wasn't so sure. Then I stumbled upon this wreath here on pinterest. It is simply wrapped in fabric; quick, easy, and cute! I loved the idea. I really liked the fabric she used, but was looking for something more "fallish" as opposed to Halloween.

Here's a shot of all the goodies I picked up at Hobby Lobby. Sorry the fabrics are hard to see because they are sitting in the bottom. I selected a good assortment of fall looking fabrics and bought a yard of each for making the rosettes. And I found two fabrics that would be good for wrapping the whole wreath. So I bought 3 yards of each of those.

Before I started on the wreath I painted my "FALL" letters with craft glue and added orange glitter. Looking back, I wish I had done brown because I think it is too much orange for the wreath and they don't quite stand out. But that's one reason I was making a trial wreath! That way people could see what they liked and didn't like and do their own version. 

For my sample wreath I chose the brown and orange fabric for wrapping the whole wreath. I kept the plastic on the straw wreath to keep things neat. I had my scissors and tacky glue handy for the next step.

First, I laid out my fabric and started cutting about 2" strips from the longest side. My large sized wreath took about 2 1/2 strips to cover.

Here it is all covered up. I just wrapped it as tightly and neatly as possible. When I was at the end of a strip, I used my tacky glue to glue it in place. You could probably start wrapping a new strip without gluing, but that's the technique I used.

Next, I made the rosettes. You can see a tutorial on how to make them here. After that I hot-glued them onto the wreath along with some fall decor items such as the pumpkin, orange sprigs, pine cone, and acorn. Then I hot-glued my "FALL" letters. Lots of glittery goodness! Last, I cut a 4" piece of the brown fabric, folded it in half, and tied it in a knot to hang the wreath.

I decided to add one last finishing touch...the pearl stickers in the center of the rosettes. I painted these with craft glue as well and added orange glitter. I used them in another rosette project here so they were a good buy! Not sure it makes that big of a difference on the wreath, but I like a little extra sparkle!

Do you see the difference?

Oh and here's one from our Mom's Craft night! I love how they are all different. Oh and I decided to make another one as well:-) You can never have too many fall wreaths, right? This time I made a smaller one and went with the brown fabric. It's a little more simple. I like them both though. I like different things about each one. Here's a close-up of my other wreath:

What do you think? Which one do you like better? Are you making a fall wreath this year?

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